A downloadable Magengaard for Windows and macOS

Magengaard is multiplayer magic adventure game where players cast spells by drawing glyphs. The game plans to feature a PvE story mode as well as a PvP component. In its current form, the game features two introductory adventure levels familiarizing players with the core gameplay mechanics and background lore.

Opening Cinematic

[Apr 17, 2024] This video is the opening cinematic to Magengaard, providing a first introduction to the game's story and lore.

Beta Playthrough

[Mar 21, 2024] This video records a fast playthrough of the early "beta" version of the game demonstrating the first two levels and a new improved spell casting system

Proof of Concept

[Jan 31, 2024] A video recorded one month into development during the design phase depicting an early demonstration of core systems including gesture recognition, spell casting, and netcode

Multiplayer Build Instructions

v.Beta.1.0 includes a NoBoss, Server, and Client build. The NoBoss build excludes the final bossfight and can be played entirely in singleplayer.

The Server and Client builds go together. Here are the steps to get it working:

  1.  Download and launch the server.
  2. On the server, press any key to exit the menu and proceed through the opening cinematic (can be skipped)
  3. Once the cinematic ends, the server will show a black screen
  4. Launch the client
  5. Enter the IP which exposes your server ( if on the same computer, your private IPv4 if on local network, or public IP if port 7777 is port forwarded over UDP/TCP) and press connect
  6. The client will load into the Desert level facing a blank yellow skybox. The server will load the game as it would be in singleplayer
  7. Proceed with the game on server-side until you reach the bossfight at the very end (after Protector Hall)
  8. When the player on the server-side enters the trigger region, the bossfight cutscene will trigger on both the client and server. Once finished, the Demifox can be controlled from the client (WASD to move, Space to melee, Draw gestures like the player to cast spells)


  • The Demifox client is an internal build and is not meant to be very polished. For this reason, the demifox sees the foxes differently from the player, animations may be broken, and other things may not appear as they should. This is normal
  • The Fire Wave spell unfortunately has a bug currently and does not function. The gesture can be drawn but the spell is not visible or functional


Chapter 2: Ruins of the First Settlement



  • Added Protector Hall puzzle
  • Added multiplayer Demifox bossfight, featuring the Demifox player, a pack of fox AIs, and a cutscene
  • Added capsule core system so players need to collect capsules to increase their number of available spell charges
  • Added new JJ model
  • Adjusted lighting in dark regions within the Ruins palace
  • Updated menu scene model
  • Visual updates to the Ruins level
  • Added Fire Wave spell (available to Demifox only at the moment)
  • Updated Ruins door room in Desert level. The door now has an associated cutscene with dialogue
  • Replaced temporary intro art with a fully voiced and edited cinematic video introducing game lore
  • Added dialogue lines for JJ throughout the map



  • Added plant bridge puzzle (very unpolished)
  • Added text on screen for when notes are added to spellbook



  • Improve camera angles
  • Add rope bridge puzzle to Ruins level
  • Add outline shader
  • Update water and whirlpool shaders
  • Water only kills player when submerged
  • Fixed infinite loop bug that sometimes comes up when freezing water



  • Partially complete Ruins Level
    • Added 5 new puzzles
    • Added 3 new fights
  • Magic System rework
    • Added Spell Charges
    • Added Spell Power scaling with accuracy
    • Added swipe to shoot

Chapter 1: Desert



  • Added Desert level
  • Added 4 new spells
  • Added menu with placeholder cinematic

About Versioning:

Versions are structured by major release number (chapter), minor release number, and minor fix. For example, v.Beta.2.3 means that we are on the Beta major release, 2nd minor release, and 3rd minor fix. Typically major versions will include a whole new game chapter, minor releases might extend or tweak a chapter, while fixes simply kill bugs


[Jan 26, 2024] Creative Brief 6 MB
[Feb 9, 2024] Design Document 4 MB
Magengaard v.Alpha.0.0 macOS 86 MB
Magengaard v.Beta.0.0 macOS 201 MB
Magengaard v.Beta.0.0 Windows 193 MB
Magengaard v.Alpha.0.0 Windows 78 MB
[Mar 21, 2024] Playtesting Report 7 MB
Magengaard v.Beta.0.1 Windows.zip 261 MB
Magengaard v.Beta.0.2 Windows.zip 228 MB
Magengaard v.Beta.0.2 macOS.zip 238 MB
Magengaard v.Beta.1.0 Client Windows.zip 361 MB
Magengaard v.Beta.1.0 Server Windows.zip 362 MB
Magengaard v.Beta.1.0 NoBoss Windows.zip 362 MB

Development log


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game of the year!!


This is amazing!